Jan. 7-10, 2021
Epiphany: A New Year’s Retreat
“After all these years I have begun to wonder if the secret of living well is not in having all the answers but in pursuing unanswerable questions in good company.”nn—Rachel Naomi Remen, My Grandfather's Blessings: Stories of Strength, Refuge, and Belonging
As you look ahead to the New Year, what questions are calling to you? Where do you wonder about God at work in your life? Where are you feeling led—or where are you feeling lost? What next steps are you searching to discern?nnEpiphany is a retreat designed to help you enter into the new year in deeper prayer. nnTogether we’ll explore the beginning of the Gospel of Matthew: surprising dreams, unexpected visitors, turbulent times, and life-changing callings. These familiar Scripture stories will come alive in new ways as we bring them to prayer, reflecting on our own lives, questions, and challenges. nnThe retreat is virtual, coming to you in the comfort of your own home, to fit into your own schedule. nnTogether let’s embrace the New Year as a chance to enter into discernment about what God is asking of each of us in this time.
Who is the retreat for?
Epiphany: A New Year’s Retreat is perfect for you if:nn- You’re wondering where to find God in our world and in your lifenn- You want to deepen your prayer life in 2021nn- You’re wrestling with questions about your callings nn- You’re facing big transitions in work or relationshipsnn- Your circumstances make it challenging to join a traditional in-person retreatnn- You’re looking to pray in new ways from the comfort of your home
How does the retreat work?
We’ll kick off with an optional social gathering on January 6th to celebrate Epiphany together—on Zoom!nnThe 4 online retreat sessions will run daily from January 7-10, 2021:n
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- Thurs., Jan. 7: 7:30 pm CST
- Fri., Jan. 8: 7:30 pm CST
- Sat., Jan. 9: 3:00 pm CST
- Sun. Jan. 10: 3:00 pm CST
nEach day of the retreat, we’ll gather on Zoom for 1 hour. All links will be sent to participants via email, and sessions will be recorded if you’re unable to join live (or simply want to listen again). nnTogether we’ll explore one story from Scripture each day, reflect on what it means for our own callings, and go forth with questions to ponder in prayer.nnThe Epiphany e-book will guide you through each day of the retreat, including:n
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- daily Scripture readings (from Matthew 1-2)
- reflection questions for prayer
- a guide for making an at-home retreat
- a discernment worksheet to sort through your questions
nPlan to spend 30 minutes a day in reflection and prayer outside the Zoom session.nnThis retreat is designed to fit your life. Sessions will take place in the evening but you can watch them later according to your schedule. Together we’ll create time and space set apart to encounter God, even within the pull of work, home, family, and community. nnEpiphany will restore and rejuvenate you, right where you are.
Registration information:
The retreat costs $100, which covers: n
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- all 4 retreat sessions held on Zoom from Jan. 7-10, 2021
- the 40-page companion Epiphany e-book with complete retreat materials
- all preparation and follow-up materials sent via email
- access to recorded Zoom sessions for 30 days following the close of the retreat
- plus an optional social gathering on Zoom on Jan. 6, 2021—to celebrate Epiphany together!