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Everyday Sacrament

The Messy Grace of Parenting


Everyday Sacrament by Laura Kelly Fanucci

Everyday Sacrament

The Messy Grace of Parenting

Laura Kelly Fanucci | Author + Speaker | Faith Life Loss

About Laura

Laura Kelly Fanucci is an author, speaker, and founder of Mothering Spirit, where she first started writing about parenting and spirituality in 2010. She earned her B.A. from the University of Notre Dame and her Master of Divinity from Saint John's School of Theology and Seminary. Laura has authored seven books, including Everyday Sacrament: The Messy Grace of Parenting and Grieving Together: A Couple's Journey through Miscarriage.

Laura’s work has been featured on the Hallow and Ritual apps, and in popular outlets including NPR’s Morning Edition, On Being, and the Kelly Clarkson Show. She writes for numerous publications including OSV News Service, Give Us This Day, and (in)courage. Laura also writes essays on Substack at The Holy Labor and humorous reflections on surviving cancer at Not A Caring Bridge, But A Compassion Brigade. She and her husband live in Minnesota with their children.

Book Reviews

Grieving Together by Laura Kelly Fanucci & Franco David Fanucci

Grieving Together is a godsend for anyone grieving the loss of a pregnancy. It’s written with clarity, sensitivity, and compassion, and is equally accessible to women and men. Losing a pregnancy can feel like wandering through the wilderness, but this book is an invaluable guide and the Fanuccis are the wisest and most encouraging of fellow travelers. It’s not a stretch to say that lives will be changed by this beautiful, much-needed book.” 

— Ginny Kubitz Moyer

Author of Taste and See: Experiencing the Goodness of God with Our Five Senses and Random MOMents of Grace: Experiencing God in the Adventures of Motherhood
To Bless Our Callings by Laura Kelly Fanucci

"Laura Fanucci’s book To Bless Our Callings  is a theological, spiritual, and liturgical gem. Filled with insight into how callings relate to the stages of life, paid and unpaid work and the professions, and the liturgical year, it provides a comprehensive and eminently usable resource for pastors, religious leaders, and anyone who wants to relate their faith to every aspect of human life."

— Douglas Schuurman

Professor of Religion at St. Olaf College and author of Vocation: Discerning Our Callings in Life
Everyday Sacrament by Laura Kelly Fanucci

"With heart, honesty and humor, Laura Kelly Fanucci’s offering of a peek into her quest for God in the midst of the craziness of parenting will help inspire you along your own path to God. Full of tender moments and truth, Everyday Sacrament is a book that every Catholic who ever lived in a family will appreciate."

– Lisa M. Hendey

Founder of CatholicMom.com and author of The Grace of Yes

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Book Reviews

Grieving Together by Laura Kelly Fanucci & Franco David Fanucci

Grieving Together is a godsend for anyone grieving the loss of a pregnancy. It’s written with clarity, sensitivity, and compassion, and is equally accessible to women and men. Losing a pregnancy can feel like wandering through the wilderness, but this book is an invaluable guide and the Fanuccis are the wisest and most encouraging of fellow travelers. It’s not a stretch to say that lives will be changed by this beautiful, much-needed book.” 

— Ginny Kubitz Moyer

Author of Taste and See: Experiencing the Goodness of God with Our Five Senses and Random MOMents of Grace: Experiencing God in the Adventures of Motherhood
To Bless Our Callings by Laura Kelly Fanucci

"Laura Fanucci’s book To Bless Our Callings  is a theological, spiritual, and liturgical gem. Filled with insight into how callings relate to the stages of life, paid and unpaid work and the professions, and the liturgical year, it provides a comprehensive and eminently usable resource for pastors, religious leaders, and anyone who wants to relate their faith to every aspect of human life."

— Douglas Schuurman

Professor of Religion at St. Olaf College and author of Vocation: Discerning Our Callings in Life
Everyday Sacrament by Laura Kelly Fanucci

"With heart, honesty and humor, Laura Kelly Fanucci’s offering of a peek into her quest for God in the midst of the craziness of parenting will help inspire you along your own path to God. Full of tender moments and truth, Everyday Sacrament is a book that every Catholic who ever lived in a family will appreciate."

– Lisa M. Hendey

Founder of CatholicMom.com and author of The Grace of Yes

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